Click below to find why past papers are seen as one of the most effective tools for revision
Don’t let A-level exam stress get the better of you - part of succeeding in this chapter of your life is assessing your knowledge of A-level chemistry curriculum, planning priority sections, managing your time and stress levels properly, and preparing yourself for the exams and exam environment so that you can perform at your best.
One of the most effective tools you can use in your preparation time is past exam papers. They give you a good feel for the kinds of questions asked, the styles of questions, and which topics are most likely to come up so that there are no surprises come exam day.
Over the course of your revision period, you will have taken on a lot of information, but it helps to know how best to answer questions in order to achieve the marks you’ve set for yourself. What you’ll see from past papers is that not everything you’ve learned over the course of your A-level year is weighted equally. By using past papers as a resource, you’ll gain the advantage of planning by being able to assess which topics and themes come up often, what sections you know well, areas that need improving and those that need significant attention.
Past papers are particularly useful in training you for the exam itself by getting you familiar with the amount of time have overall, and how much time you can spend on various sections so you don’t end up having to rush. You’ll also get used to the number of questions so that you can exercise your concentration and stay alert throughout the exam, an important factor in performing well.
The exam environment is quite different to that of the classroom or study environment in that you need to familiarise yourself with the kinds of terminology and vocabulary used in the various question styles so you can answer them thoroughly. Costly mistakes can happen not because of a lack of understanding, but because questions are either not read properly or are not answered properly.
While powerful tools in your revision period, it’s important not to reply solely on past papers but to use them in conjunction with your own revision notes, mind maps and course material so you’re not blind-sided in your exam. By preparing thoroughly, both in terms of content and in terms of exam management, is the key do getting great marks and realising your tertiary education ambition.
We at A-level Chemistry have loads of past paper resources with answer sheets that will help you prepare for your exams and have you feeling confident about the outcomes. Get started, today!