Instant access to chemistry revision resources,
right when you need them

Unlimited access to our entire library of A-Level chemistry resources, covering AQA, CIE, OCR, Edexcel, Eduqas & WJEC specification


  • Free

  • Join
  • Completely free account with access to sample materials

    • Free chemistry revision notes
    • Premium samples
    • Limited support
Pass Your Chemistry Exams


  • £35

    Billed annually at £35 per year

  • Purchase →
  • All revision materials for one student

    • Comprehensive revision notes
      + any we release in the future!
    • AQA, Edexcel and OCR curriculum
    • New specification from 2015
    • Dedicated email support
    • License for individual student use only


  • £60

    Billed annually at £60 per year

  • Purchase →
  • Use our materials with your students

    • Everything in the Premium plan, plus:
    • Share with unlimited students
    • Priority email support


  • £120

    Billed annually at £120 per year

  • Purchase →
  • Entire School/Department

    • Everything in the Teacher/Tutor plan, plus:
    • Share with 30 additional users

Looking to purchase a subscription by invoice? Click here to request an invoice for your membership subscription payment.

Benefits of being an A-Level Chemistry member

1000+ resources

Our chemistry resources include PowerPoint presentations, revision notes, past papers and practice questions.

Teacher tested

Our resources are created and used in the classroom by working chemistry teachers.

More time

We take the hard work out of chemistry revision so you can focus on studying the right topics.

Access anywhere

Our content is accessible from the desktop, tablets and even mobile devices.

Safe learning

Bank-grade security to protect you & privacy - all member data is safe and secure.

Incredible support

Our helpful and friendly support team are always available to answer any questions.

Frequently asked questions

How does billing work?

The teacher and student plan is an annual subscription that automatically renews. You can cancel this subscription at any time from your account area or contact support for assistance. Please read our terms and conditions carefully, we do not offer refunds on renewals.

Do you have a refund policy?

Yes. Our membership is a digital product so we cannot offer any refunds on new purchases or renewals. We send our subscribers a reminder three days prior to renewal to manage their accounts.

Do you offer support if I need help?

Of course! We're known for our top-notch support and believe that to have a great service you need great support.

Please note that we cannot provide tutoring or specific information on topics. Our support scope includes any issues you have with the materials and the exam spec topics only.

Do I receive revision and teaching material updates?

Yes. We constantly update and amend the materials on the site. You can download these while logged into your account.

Do you offer free samples?

Yes. We provide a complete set of samples for you to decide whether the materials are right for you before you make a purchase.

Click here to sign up →